What should we do in these times of distress?

13 de septiembre de 2014

We must strive to feel the love that our Heavenly Father gives us every moment, blessing us to help us to progress. We must not stumble in this time when the exit is so close. Pray, we must pray fervently and frequently, waiting for the coming of the Lamb, united with the appropriate devotion, feeling in our hearts the great joy and happiness attained by the knowledge of the great promise of God, implicit in the observance of His mandate. Then, let us overfill the cup of love and wisdom, to be worthy before His presence. Let us pray with an elevated heart to perceive his energy, his light and the consolation in the redeemer hope.

A. & A.


9 de septiembre de 2014

It is the conception of the mind in the presence of an eventuality where takes precedence a feeling supported in the orgasm of horror, in the taste of the flavor of dread, where everything that it finds in the way of meeting horror proceeds at death rattles of convulsive and lascivious spiritual expressions. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

Broaden your horizons

3 de septiembre de 2014

When worshiping the King of kings, you must understand the importance of being brave and hardworking in the path of the untiring quest, since, in this quest, you will find the definition of your spirit that so often we have said to you and told you that you must strive for that joyful meeting, that is so close. Do not despair, for the King is at the door. Remember that prayer is the most powerful weapon with which you can overcome all obstacles that may hinder you. Remember that when being in the grace of God, your vibration is risen thanks to the angels around you that open the way for this communication to be effective. Broaden your horizons, look with fullness at your future, do not despair, do not fall in anguish, for Jesus and his angels are always attentive to help you. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

Universal Fraternal Love

24 de agosto de 2014

When man, as a mortal being, is in a position of improvement he must not let enter on himself the impurity of vanity, pride and false personality. We must be conscious, each one of us, that we are perishable beings to any eventuality or argumentation of the being saturated of evil which surrounds us with negative influences. The influences of the external things in our interior, sometimes lead us to feel superior in the actions at moments in which, exalted by flattery, we let ourselves seduce by the feeling of superiority towards those around us. Those who are in this way, must be people of high thoughts and humble actions, because with humility it is how one arrives at front of the Creator. The defect of pride, hardening our character, making us impermeable to the kindness offered by our peers, and creating a feeling of sufficiency, like saying; «To have more than deserved the gifts of love from other people», and also, feeling always worthy and deserving (although unworthy) of the divine gifts, does not only distance us from them but also from our objective of saving the soul. Pride, vanity, grudge, insensibility, and intransigence, are defects that make retrogress masters and wise people, because the flattery and the dazzle of other people for the knowledge of the being who owns it makes this erudite, full of vanity, to lack merit in front of the Father.

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The best effort

24 de agosto de 2014

Awaiting the time of completion of all the divine plans, man still refuses to do his best effort to become a faithful son of God. Let us constantly remember that all the things that have been asked to us are for our own benefit, for example, we have been asked for brotherhood, love, union, benevolence, constancy to enter the path that leads to eternal life. Do you think that all these things are accomplished by sitting comfortably waiting for them to arrive? No brothers. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

Let us decide for God

24 de agosto de 2014

Oh Lord, our Redeemer!, forgive, God, our sins, forgive our living and our dead people, so they can find the true path of salvation. We ask you that our dead, both physically and spiritually, as well as the living ones, might be judged according to your law and your mercy. But, the living people, who must be attentive to your mercy, they must be fully awake so they can understand Your grace, Your glory and Your mercy, Lord. In this day, in which another time of this earth is ending, we ask the beings that follow Christ Jesus to pay attention to their attitude, to their way of doing and thinking, so nothing unpleasant to the eyes of the Creator occurs. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

The joy of sharing

29 de julio de 2014

In the joy of sharing love, comradeship and the wisdom that comes from above, we find the happiness of the spirit, feeling in our hearts the true love for humanity and for our fellowmen. I make this separation because our fellowmen is who is with us in the path of love of God, in the same faith; however humanity in general, represents the great number that is lost in the chaos of existence: let us pray every day for them. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

To foment virtues

26 de julio de 2014

Our beloved Lord has told us to foment our virtues so that our way gets easier and more bearable, because it is short the time that is left for Him to name us and call us to his presence. We know that we are in the way of the Christian truth and that every good devotee serves as good as possible to God. We hope that we all combine our hearts in one, so the spirit of God touches our souls and we are not indifferent to the pain and human needs. Lee el resto de esta entrada »