The best effort

24 de agosto de 2014

Awaiting the time of completion of all the divine plans, man still refuses to do his best effort to become a faithful son of God. Let us constantly remember that all the things that have been asked to us are for our own benefit, for example, we have been asked for brotherhood, love, union, benevolence, constancy to enter the path that leads to eternal life. Do you think that all these things are accomplished by sitting comfortably waiting for them to arrive? No brothers. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

Divine Mother

30 de julio de 2014

Let us pay homage to the Divine Mother who with her warm love accompanies us through our existence, freeing us from the rebellions of Satan. In Her warmth and mercy, we got hope, wisdom, temperance and all those gifts that generously give us the divinities and masters who accompany us. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

The joy of sharing

29 de julio de 2014

In the joy of sharing love, comradeship and the wisdom that comes from above, we find the happiness of the spirit, feeling in our hearts the true love for humanity and for our fellowmen. I make this separation because our fellowmen is who is with us in the path of love of God, in the same faith; however humanity in general, represents the great number that is lost in the chaos of existence: let us pray every day for them. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

The Great Privilege

29 de julio de 2014

Many of us have the great privilege of being Christians fulfilling God’s purpose to follow his Son Jesus; therefore, being in such exalted care, we must dignify this call received by grace.

 We all should be examples of light for those blind ones who seek a hand in the darkness of their lives. We know we must make great sacrifices to overcome the invisible enemy who stalks us at every moment, making us stumble in the vicissitudes of the daily life, making us doubt and err. But, as each day a Christian falls and rises, another is standing, making an effort to catch those souls who want to eat the bread of wisdom and nourish their spirit with it, to go to the help of those in need. The word of God is not hushed. Lee el resto de esta entrada »

To foment virtues

26 de julio de 2014

Our beloved Lord has told us to foment our virtues so that our way gets easier and more bearable, because it is short the time that is left for Him to name us and call us to his presence. We know that we are in the way of the Christian truth and that every good devotee serves as good as possible to God. We hope that we all combine our hearts in one, so the spirit of God touches our souls and we are not indifferent to the pain and human needs. Lee el resto de esta entrada »